5 Sundays
May 10 to June 28*
10:30 - 11:45am
Chaya Yoddha Sanchalanam (“Yoking of the Shadow Warrior”) is the second Shadow Yoga Prelude. Emphasis is placed on the integrated movement of the limbs to free the vital energy.
This course will refine the full Chaya Sanchlanam prelude and introduce "full practice format", which includes asana/vinyasa and conclusion for a complete and balanced practice.
To qualify for this course students must have experience with the Foundations of Shadow Yoga workshop or course and prior experience with the Chaya prelude. Please talk with Judy or Mark if you have questions.
PayPal / Credit Card - $134 (use link at right)
Cash or Check - $130 (pay in class or mail)
*no class on May 17 & 24; June 7
This course is taught progressively, so full participation is strongly recommended. Individual sessions may be attended only by students who have successfully completed a prior Chaya Sanchlanam full practice format course. Drop-in fee: $30